“Paths for Inclusion of children, adolescents, young people and adults – people with disabilities in Jardim Ângela and Jardim São Luiz”
Ninho da Esperança offers free care for children, adolescents and adults with intellectual, physical and multiple disabilities. With socio-educational activities, labor therapy and assistance work with families through a body of volunteers who, together with the human resources staff, make everyday life a space for inclusion and strengthening.
Methodology to be developed
The purpose of Ninho da Esperança is to guarantee rights, develop mechanisms for social inclusion, equal opportunities and the participation of people with disabilities, based on their individual and social needs.
Specific objectives
Ensure reference spaces for the development of sociability, independence and autonomy. Sensibilize community groups about the rights and needs of inclusion of people with disabilities, seeking to deconstruct myths and prejudices.
Institutional, Physical and Material Provisions
Food Supply - Room(s) for individual assistance - Room(s) for collective and community activities - Sanitary installations; Kitchen pantry and dining room - Cleaning and conservation of the space.
Address: Rua Jupuruva, 76, Jd. Riviera Paulista, CEP 04923-100, São Paulo – SP
Telephone: (+55) 11 2985-6331